Hexatrygon bickelli文獻5筆
Heemstra, P. C.; M. M. Smith, 1980, Hexatrygonidae, a new family of stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Batoidea) from South Africa, with comments on the classification of batoid fishes., Ichthyol. Bull. J. L. B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol.
Shen, S.-C. 沈世傑, 1986, A new species of stingray Hexatrygon taiwanensis from Taiwan Strait 台灣海峽產臺灣六鰓魟之一新種., J. Taiwan Mus. 臺灣省立博物館半年刊.
Shen, S.-C., 1986, A new species Hexatrygon brevirostra and a new record Anacanthobatis borneensis (Rajiformes) from Taiwan., J. Taiwan Mus.
Endo, H., Y. Machida, 2005, Sixgill stingray Hexatrygon bickelli collected from Tosa Bay(Raliformes: Hexatrygonidae)., Bulletin of the Shikoku Institute of Natural History.
沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed., 1993, 臺灣魚類誌 Fishes of Taiwan, 國立臺灣大學動物學系印行